A holiday in Apricale
The prettiest village in the region, with the best restaurants, most lively atmosphere and sunniest piazza. One of 7 villages in Italy with 'most beautiful' status.
Shops, cafes and restaurants open all year. A perfect base from which to explore the wider area. But a lot to offer in its own right; medieval castle, museum, several lovely churches and an old town hall. All clinging to a knife-edge of hillside, linked by tunnels, alleyways, bridges and terraces. Free of modern transport although there is plenty of parking space on the periphery.
In summer, French and Italian Riviera beaches are a short drive, bus or train ride, swimming in nearby river pools and sun bathing on riverside rocks is also possible. Plenty to do in autumn and spring too; lunch in the fresh air, walking or cycling the miles of local tracks and footpaths or climbing the snow capped mountains which overlook the Nervia valley. Winter sunshine, walks in the mountains, village New Year celebrations, there is always something to enjoy in and around the village.
People come from afar simply for the food. Apricale’s 7 restaurants serve great traditional fare. Shops stock locally produced bread, cheese, ham, sausages, pesto, olive oil, and wine. Markets, shops and restaurants have seasonal vegetables, salads, herbs and fruits from local gardens. Chestnuts and fungi, wild boar and rabbit from the wooded hillsides and all the cheeses, sun dried and oil preserved delicacies of the region are plentiful.
Still a working community where villagers grab a quick coffee in the cafe or collect fresh bread on their way to work. Lunch, the main meal of the day is at one, work stops and shops close shortly after this for the afternoon. At four, shops and offices open again and stay open until around seven thirty in summer. In the evening families stroll in the piazza, children play and old people sit under the arches to enjoy the evening.
A word about Covid. As far as we know Apricale and the surrounding villages of the Valley Nervia have been virus free. They are home to very many old people kept safe so far by the strictest of Lockdowns. Visitors are now welcome to enjoy our virus free valley. Please help to keep our community safe by respecting the mask and distance rules when entering shops and bars.